Privacy Policy

Clients and Users undertake to browse the website and use its contents in good faith. In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the completion of any form on the website www.visitvilanova. cat or sending an e-mail to any of our search engines implies the acceptance of this privacy policy, as well as the authorisation to the COMPANY to process the personal data you provide, which will be incorporated into the file, owned by the COMPANY, registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The data of the Clients will be used for the sending by email of the sales made by the COMPANY. By simply visiting the Website, Users do not provide any personal information nor are they obliged to provide it. The COMPANY undertakes to keep the information provided to it in the strictest confidence and to use it only for the purposes indicated. The COMPANY presumes that the data have been entered by the owner or by a person authorised by the owner, and that they are correct and accurate. Clients are responsible for updating their own data. At any time, the Client will have the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to all their personal data included in the different registration forms. To modify or update your personal data, the Client must access, in the section ‘My Account’. To cancel your account, send an e-mail from your account e-mail address to with the subject ‘Cancel account’. Therefore, the Client is responsible for the accuracy of the data and the COMPANY will not be responsible for the inaccuracy of the Clients’ personal data. In accordance with current legislation on data protection, the COMPANY has adopted the appropriate levels of security for the data provided by the Clients and, furthermore, has installed all the means and measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and extraction of these data.

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